Lunar Jim (2016)
Lunar Jim is an animated preschool-oriented stop-motion television show produced in Canada by Halifax Film and Alliance Atlantis, and aired in the USA as well on Discovery Channel and V-Me from 2005-2012. The show is based on an original concept created by Alexander Bar. Season 1 was Executive Produced by Jeff Rosen. It was script-edited in Season one by Peter Sauder. Season two was helmed by award-winning veteran producer/writer Jed MacKay. Ben Zelkowizc provided the voice of Jim. Jim and his team; Rover the Robot Dog, Ripple the Super Space Mechanic, Eco the Farmer, and TED, the Technical Equipment Device, live on Blue Moon L22, the second-to-last moon on the edge of the Milky Way. Focusing on exploration and inquiry, Lunar Jim intends to promote such life skills as problem-solving, persistence, creativity, and cooperation, with an emphasis on “pre-science skills”. His rallying cry is “Let’s get lunar!”
Creator:Alexander Bar
Stars:Bill Kopp, Ian James Corlett, Joanne Vannicola, Michael Cera, Rob Paulsen, Rob Tinkler
Networks:CBC Television
Studios:Alliance Atlantis, CBC, Halifax Film Company