Stitch & Ai (2017)
“Stitch & Ai” follows the events of the Western animated “Lilo & Stitch” franchise up to and including “Leroy & Stitch”. The series shows Stitch kidnapped by space criminals who want to use him to have their own destructive genetic experiment. However, he escapes to China’s Huangshan mountains, where he befriends Ai, a spirited local girl who is at risk of being separated from her older sister Jiejie. Stitch becomes Ai’s “dog”, and the two help each other in dealing with the other’s problems; Ai helps Stitch deal with the space criminals, while he helps her stay in the mountains with her family.
Creator:Marc Handler
Stars:Ben Diskin, Bobby Thong, Cherami Leigh, Erica Mendez, Jess Winfield, Kyle Hebert, Laura Post, Lucien Dodge, Richard Epcar, Sarah Anne Williams